Expected Learning Outcomes


Graduates of FoE have core knowledge of social sciences and humanities, fundamental knowledge of education, interdisciplinary knowledge and specialized knowledge of Educational Psychology or Educational Management. Students are enriched in personal and professional dispositions and skills as well as social skills such as communication, teamwork and technology use.

In particular, students are trained in the thinking skills, operational skills and professional competences, in the areas of research, teaching, school counseling and management training, educational management, student developement affairs, HRM... in schools, educational institutions/centers, non-governmental organizations, social organizations.

The curriculum of BA in Education is designed with a variety of career orientations in the field of education, along with practical activities in courses and internships. Graduates of FoE have the ability to adapt and work in a variety of educational settings.


-  Educational Management

-  Educational Psychology 

Program Learning Outcomes

Education Learning Outcomes Framework Education Program Expected Learning Outcomes                                                                    

-Generic knowledge in Social Sciences and Humanities

-Fundamental knowledge in education, psychology, and interdisciplinary knowledge

-Specialized knowledge in educational management and  educational psychology

PLO1. Recognize, paraphrase and discuss the contents of civilized history; philosophy, politics, ideology; cognitive science, thinking, and college learning methods.

PLO2. Identify and apply basic knowledge in education, interdisciplinary to solve educational problems.

PLO3. Explain and apply specialized knowledge in educational management and educational psychology into educational activities, counseling and teaching.

Dispositions and personal skills  PLO4. Demonstrate personal, professional, and social virtues.

PLO5. Think independently, generalize in learning and looking at issues from different perspective.

PLO6. Communicate and cooperate effectively to achieve common goals.

Professional Skills PLO7. Identify, organize and analyze issues in a logical and scientific manner.

PLO8. Update knowledge, review literature, analyze and criticize ideas, research to solve professional issues.

PLO9. Design, organize and evaluate educational and learning activities.

PLO10. Plan and provide solutions to develop organization; follow law and disciplines; cooperate with other stakeholders.

PLO11. Utilize effectively internal and external resources to develop the educational system.

PLO12. Use foreign languages, software and other tools for research and teaching.

Professional Competences in Educational Management Specialization

CPIE Competences (Conceive – Plan – Implement- Evaluate) 

PLO13. Define, classify, generalize and predict professional issues.

PLO14. Recognize demand, identify goals, plans and define the necessary resources for professional projects.

PLO15. Implement and cooperate in conducting professional activities.

PLO16. Choose methods, tools for evaluation and quality improvement.

Professional Competences in Educational Psychology Specialization  PLO17. Design, implement and apply results of research in educational psychology.

PLO18 Apply psychological, educational and pedagogical knowledge and skills in the activities of guiding, orienting and developing learner personality.

PLO19. Apply psychological, educational knowledge and skills in school counseling, social works, educational advertising, human resources organisation



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Khoa Giáo dục

Phòng A.314, 10-12 Đinh Tiên Hoàng, Phường Bến Nghé, Quận 1, TP. Hồ Chí Minh

Điện thoại: 08. 3829 3828 - số nội bộ 132

Email: giaoduc@hcmussh.edu.vn

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